Here you'll find a mixture of contacts and links relating to mental health and wellbeing, as well as counselling agencies which offer a free or reduced fee service. This directory includes organisations, voluntary and charitable bodies, but not individual businesses. If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via my website or email address.
Advocacy service; offers help in making your wishes clear in the service you receive.
They are a service user-led, independent advocacy organisation.
Advocard's services are primarily for people with experience of mental ill-health or problematic substance use in Edinburgh.
Autistic Mutual Aid Society Edinburgh.
Edinburgh based organisation helping autistic people to help each other.
Low cost psychotherapy, art therapy and counselling services available to those on low incomes.
Bright Light
Edinburgh based counselling for those who are affected by relationship problems.
CoCo at Kirk o’Field
Counselling for adults and young people over 16.
CoCo Outdoors
Counselling with a connection in nature.
Generic counselling, and a specialist Perinatal service.
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland
Specialist bereavement care and counselling.
E&L Council on Alcohol (ELCA)
Counselling for drinking and alcohol problems.
Edinburgh Carers Council
Information for carers of those who use mental health services.
Information & Resource Centre for Edinburgh covering a wide range of mental health topics.
Family Mediation Lothian
Help and support families and children who are experiencing break up.
Health All Round
Counselling service for adults who are residents of the Gorgie/Dalry area of Edinburgh.
Health in Mind
A range of counselling services for a variety of issues.
Hope Park
Open to the general public, run by the University of Edinburgh.
Students of the University of Edinburgh have a separate counselling service offering up to six sessions, which is free of charge.
LGBT Health
Peer support service for lesbian, bi-sexual & transgender people.
Lifeline/Pregnancy Counselling & Care
Pregnancy, fertility, miscarriage and termination counselling for women.
Lothian Bipolar Group
Information, support and advice to those affected by bipolar disorder.
Counselling for residents of North East Edinburgh.
Open Secret
A confidential service for survivors of childhood abuse based in Falkirk.
PF Counselling Service
General counselling service for adults. The PF runs an additional counselling service for young people.
Pilton Community Health Project
Adults resident in Greater Pilton area of Edinburgh.
Projekt 42
A not-for-profit gym and wellness centre based in Leith.
Counselling is offered at a sliding scale according to income, and prices range from £15 to £45.
Richmond’s Hope
Bereavement counselling service for children.
Based in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Mental health services for black and ethnic minority women.
The Bridge
Counselling and Money Advice in West Lothian.
The Junction
Young people living in Leith and North East Edinburgh.
Counselling and support for carers in Edinburgh and Midlothian.
Centre for psychotherapy and counselling.
Wester hailes Health Agency
Counselling Service based in West Edinburgh.
Take Care,