From time to time, we may find ourselves in need of immediate or access additional support. The following list gives an overview of crisis counselling and psychotherapy resources available in Edinburgh, which means they are available immediately.

Breathing Space
0800 83 85 87
For anyone over 16 who is experiencing low mood , depression or anxiety
Phoneline open 6pm - 2am (Mon-Thurs); 24 hours weekend (6pm Fri-6am Mon)
Edinburgh Crisis Centre
0808 801 0414
Telephone support and a safe place to go for anyone feeling at risk of suicide or harm
Based at Smith Place, EH6 5EA
The Royal Edinburgh Hospital
0131 537 6000
It’s possible to stay here in their mental health and psychiatric facilities
You can call the Mental Health Assessment Service on their 24 hour phone line above
This is an emergency assessment service based at The Royal Edinburgh Hospital and The Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre
08088 01 03 02 or text: 07537 410 027
6pm - midnight
Support line for anyone affected by sexual violence
Muslim Women’s Helpline
0208 904 8193
Although MWH's reach is primarily Muslim women, the helpline will accept calls from and support women of any faith or no faith. For example, the culturally sensitive nature of the helpline could easily support Asian women of other faiths. Men who are concerned about women and girls should also call the helpline. If men and boys need support for example at risk of forced marriage, then they should also call the helpline. (Information taken from the MWH website)
National Domestic Violence Helpline
0800 200 0247 (freephone)
Nationwide support line for anyone affected by domestic violence
Nightline Edinburgh
0131 557 4444
8pm – 8am
For all Edinburgh-based students
Rape Crisis Scotland
0808 801 0302
Nationwide support line for anyone affected by sexual violence
116 123 or 08457 90 90 90
24 hour helpline
For anyone feeling despair, suicidal or in need of emotional support
0845 767 8000
For carers of someone struggling with their mental health, from 12:00pm - 2am
Social Work Emergency Service
0800 731 6969 (freephone)
In the evening and at weekends or public holidays, you can call Emergency Social Work, free of charge from a landline. Your mobile phone provider may charge for 0800 calls.
Contact Centre: 01875 824 309 for office hours (Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm and Fri 9am-4pm)
You can also refer yourself or someone else online:
Your call
0808 801 0362
Phone counselling for people with disabilities from people with disabilities
Take Care,